
We are committed
to giving back.

Our firm recognizes and believes that collaborative efforts generate better results and that is particularly true when promoting and working in social causes. It is part of our commitment to give back and help others in need:


  • Not everyone has money to give, but we all have Time we can GIVE.
  • With our time or our money, or much better, with our time and money, we can help others in need.
  • We can transform our dream of a better world into a reality.
  • Achievement = Talent + Action
  • To achieve a better world we must ACT with the TALENT we are given.
  • To achieve we must plant and spread the seeds, to then be able to collect the crops.
  • With WILL POWER we can live fully and BELIEVE in Hope & Faith.

Community Partners

The Division 16 family participates in various Community Service efforts. In some of them, the company provides materials and the employees donate their time; in others, the company provides all labor and materials.

  • Bethesda Baptist Church – Maintenance Volunteer work for Residential Community in San Juan
  • Habitat for Humanity – Comunidad Las Ochenta – All electrical work in entire house remodel.
  • AGC Puerto Rico Chapter – We support all AGC community service efforts.
  • AGC Build-Up & On-Site Educational Program – We sponsor, participate as mentor, and assist in the continuous development of the program.
  • Institute MAVI – AGC Puerto Rico Chapter. All electrical work in entire house remodel.
  • Parroquia San José in Gurabo – Improvements and maintenance.
  • Eagle Scout Project – Project coordination, assistance and donation of materials.
  • University of Puerto Rico High School (UHS) – Maintenance work.
  • Escuela Francisco Valdés in Caguas – Maintenance work.
  • Puerto Rico Baseball Academy and High School – Active contributor to students’ Scholarship Fund and personal leadership development.